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Rameshwar Jha pictures circa 1981

Guruji Rameshwar Jha with Rangeshwar Joshi Guruji Rameshwar Jha with Joshi family Circa 1981

Sunday, August 25, 2024

किं भवेन्नूतनं फलं - Why would there be new outcomes

यः सदैव समः स्वच्छः सिद्धस्चापि निरञ्जनः। 

कयापि क्रियया तस्मिन् किं भवेन्नूतनं फलं।।

महामहोपाध्याय रामेश्वर झा  

जो सदा ही सम है, स्वच्छ है, सिद्ध है और निरञ्जन है उस (अहं रूप मुझमे) किसी भी क्रिया से क्या नूतन फल होगा?
काश्मीर शैव मत में तीन  मलों का वर्णन  है 

One  who is always equanimous (dispassionate), pure, realized and flawless (in my such state) why would any action result in new outcomes?
Mahamahopadhyaya Rameshwar Jha
In Kashmir Shaivism there are 3 types of impurities 

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Sunday, June 02, 2024

Kashmir Shaivism : Shiva Tattva Vimarsha Verse 77

मित्रस्वरूपोऽप्यहमेव भामि
शत्रुस्वरूपोऽप्यहमेव राजे।
प्रशंसकोऽप्यस्मि च निन्दकश्च
स्वात्मस्वरूपोऽपि परस्वरुपः॥77॥ शिव  तत्त्व विमर्श 

महामहोपाध्याय रामेश्वर झा  

मित्रस्वरूपः +अप्य् अहमेव = मित्रस्वरूपोऽप्यहमेव

मित्र के रुप में मै ही भसित हो रहा हूॅं और शत्रु के रुप मे भी मैं ही दिखाई दे रह हूॅं। प्रशंसक भी मैं हूॅं और निन्दक भी मैं ही हूॅं।मेरा ही स्वरुप अन्य भिन्न स्वरुपों में दिख रहा है। 

 I manifest in form of a friend and I also appear in from of an enemy. I appear as an admirer and also as a detractor (critic, fault finder). It is my own universal self that appears in other different forms.    

Mahamahopadhyaya Rameshwar Jha

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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Kashmir Shaivism - Time and Space are nature of my eternal self

भातः कालस्य देशस्य सखण्डो खण्ड एव च ।
अनाद्यनन्त रुपस्य ममैकस्य  स्वभावतः ।।

महामहोपाध्याय रामेश्वर झा  

अनादि + अनन्त = अनाद्यनन्त  यण सन्धि,   सूत्र इको यणचि
मम +एकस्य = ममैकस्य वृद्धि सन्धि,  सूत्र वृद्धिरेचि 
अनादि = आदिः कारणं पूर्वकालो वा नास्ति यस्य सः
अनन्त = नास्ति अन्तो यस्य

जो काल और देश का सखण्ड (जैसे - घण्टे, दिन, रात, माह, वर्ष आदि / ग्राम, नगर, प्रान्त, राष्ट्र आदि) एवं अखण्ड विस्तार भासित हो रहा है, यह सब मेरे ही एक आदि अन्त से रहित रूप का ही स्वभाव है।

The expanse of time and space that appears as divided (In seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years etc. or as street, city, region, country etc.) or indivisible time and space are nature of my eternal (one that has not beginning or end) self . i.e. They are not distinguishable from my universal self. 

Mahamahopadhyaya Rameshwar Jha

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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Kashmir Shaivism: सर्वइदं मम I am all these

नासित्वं क्रमिको देव नित्यः सद्यो विभासतः ।
तत्भिन्नतया भाति भातं सर्वइदं मम ।।   

हे देव! तुम में कोई क्रम नही है, तुम नित्य (शाश्वत) हो, अभी इस क्षण भी भासित हो रहे हो। फिर भी वह (जगत आपसे) अलग प्रतीत होता है यह सब कुछ मुझ जैसा ही (आपसे अभिन्न रुप में) भासित हो।

Deva! your are not inherited linearly (not realized through sequential progression), you are eternal and are shining brightly at this very moment. That jagat (All that moves: physical/sensory) appears to be different from you let these all things be reflected in my own true light (That which is not different from you).    


ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत्‌।
ईशोपनिषद् Verse 1

यदा कदा वापि विपश्चिदेष
ब्रह्मण्यनन्तेऽप्यणुमात्रभेदम् ।
पश्यत्यथामुष्य भयं तदैव
यद्वीक्षितं भिन्नतया प्रमादात् ॥ 331 ॥
Vivekachudamani Adi Shankaracharya

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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Do not delay - तूर्णं विनाशिनि विहाय पुष्यहन्तां


तूर्णं विनाशिनि विहाय पुष्यहन्तां 
नित्ये निसर्गसुलभे कुरुतामनन्ते ।
स्वेच्छा वशोन्मिमषित दृष्टि बलेन दृश्ये 
स्वातन्त्र्यशक्ति सहिते कुरु मा  विलम्बम् ।।

विनाशी (शरीर) में  अहंता का पोषन तुरन्त छोडकर जो नित्य है, सुलभ है, अनन्त है, जो अपनी इच्छा से उन्मिषित  (खुले हुए) दृष्टि के बल से देखा जात है और जो स्वातन्त्र्य शक्ति से युक्त है,उसमे अहंता करने में विलम्ब मत करो।

Leave association with perishable (body) Immediately and do not delay to associate with your form that is eternal, easily accessible, infinite, visible to open eyes through self will and brimming with absolute independence of god consciousness  (Svatantrya).   

कुरुतामनन्ते = कुरुताम् + अनन्ते 
कुरुताम् = कृ (करना) धातु लोट् लकार (Imperative) आत्मनेपद
Atmanepada Dhatu roop refers to the conjugation of a verb in Sanskrit in the reflexive voice. It indicates that the subject of the verb is performing the action upon oneself.
वशोन्मिमषित = वश + उन्मिमषित 

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Rameshwar Jha Shiv Yogi शिव योगी - An exponent of Kashmir Shaivism अद्वैत Non dual shiva philosophy

Rameshwar Jha is a rarity among scholars as he did not let his traditional learning become impediment in spiritual realization. He helped propagate and systematize learning of non dualistic kashmir shaivisim by clarifying mystical concepts through his experiential learning.

In his youth Rameshwar had studied Panini’s grammar, Advaita Vedenta and practiced yoga under competent gurus. He was an exceptional student from an early age and completed his higher education in Sanskrit with merit and distinction.

His reputation as a scholar grew and he was sought to teach vyakaran (grammar), Vedanta and Nyaya (logic) in Sanskrit colleges of Varanasi. His influence spread with time and he was recognized as leading intellect in the learned world.

In his mid forties the works of Abhinavgupta caught his attention. He soon came to realize a higher more developed form of monism was expounded by Abhinavagupta and Utpaladeva in their works. He made the three day journey to Kashmir to meet Swami Lakshaman Joo in Kashmir for deeper understanding of the tenets of Kashmir Shaiva Mysticism.

He considered Lakshaman Joo as his guru and was ever grateful for Swamijee's compassion (Shaktipat) through which he had attained spiritual realization. He expressed his gratitude towards Swami Lakshaman Joo's in hymn “Guru stuti”, which to date is recited by Swamijee's disciples. Lakshman Joo has supposedly said this about Rameshwar Jha "Who know, whether I liberate you or you liberate me!"

Rameshwar jha lived as a realized master and traveled extensively. He had spent his earlier life laboriously learning traditional texts, now he was showering his grace by making accessible Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita, Pratyabhijna, Aagam, trika and associate philosophy in Varanasi.

With his extraordinary creativity, innate familiarity with the ancient texts and personal experiences he was able to provide access to abstruse concepts of non dualistic Kashmir Shaivism to the layman and scholars alike. This led to a steady stream of seekers from all parts of the world to his door steps. He was a living "Guru Factory" and referred to as "Guru ji" in fondness.

In his own words:
न मया क्रियते शिष्यः कृतः शिष्यो न कश्चन।
शिष्यतामिच्छते सद्यो दीयते गुरूता मया।।
मैंने शिष्य नहीं बनाए, मैं कभी शिष्य नहीं बनाता।
जो मेरा शिष्य बनने की इच्छा करता है उसे मैं तुरंत गुरूता प्रदान कर देता हूँ ।

I do not make any followers, Those who desire to be my disciples I instantly make them masters.

Guru ji was free of dogmatic teaching style and did not see any distinction in the seekers of different faith, cast or creed. He embraced one and all and only tested the seeker's true intent. Guru ji's close associates have experienced many instances of his occult powers littered throughout his life but he was against its display. And warned that these often let the seekers astray.

Rameshwar Jha was awareded "Mahamahopadhyaya" in the year 1980 by Kashi Hindu Vishwavidyalay and in 1981 he received "Rastrapati Award" by Government of India.

" I am returning to my essence" (मैं स्वरूपस्थ हो रहा हूँ) were his last words in Dec 12, 1981.

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